Our services / Aesthetic surgery / Breast reshaping

Breast reshaping

If you're considering breast contouring to correct sagging breasts following pregnancy or skin laxity, our team of experienced plastic surgeons at Clinique Adonis can help you regain a more toned, rejuvenated figure.
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Breast reshaping corrects sagging breasts following pregnancy or skin laxity.

If you are considering breast reshaping to correct sagging breasts à Following'pregnancy or laxité skin, our éteam of experienced plastic surgeonsérhymeéà the Clinique Adonis can help you à a more toned, rejuvenated figure.

Breast reshaping corrects sagging breasts following pregnancy or skin laxity.

If you are considering breast reshaping to correct sagging breasts à Following'pregnancy or laxité skin, our éteam of experienced plastic surgeonsérhymeéà the Clinique Adonis can help you à a more toned, rejuvenated figure.

What are theéWhat are the different types of breast reshaping?

Breast reshaping aims to à correct ptôof the breast, i.e.à-say the sagging of the chest. This procedureéhard can être réalisée en préof the skin around the bow.éole, leaving an almost invisible scar. This technique tightens the skin and restores its firmness.é breasts, créa more youthful, toned appearance. 

How to choose the right breast size après breast reshaping?

Unlike à a breast augmentation or a réduction, breast remodelling is not just abouténéIt does not generally involve changing the size of the breasts. Instead, it focuses on repositioning the breasts to correct sagging. During your consultation, our équipe médicale will discuss your aesthetic goalsétics andéwill finish the best approach to obtain firmer breasts while maintaining your current size.

What approaches are available for breast reshaping?

The most common approach for breast reshaping involves a péri-aréolar, i.e.à-dire around the aréole. This incision provides accesséder à skin excéand remove it to tighten the chest.


How hard isée de l'opébreast reshaping ration?

The hardée de l'opéThe results of breast reshaping vary according to the technique used.ée et de la complexité of your case. In général, the procedure lasts between 2 à 3 hours. Our équipe médicale veillera à what the opération is réalisée en toute sécurité with your comfort in mind. 

What is post-op care?ératoires après a breast remodelling?

AprèAfter a breast reshaping procedure, you will receive instructions on how to proceed.ésizeées for post-op careératory. This can include wearing a spécialisé to support the new breast shape, as well as managing swelling and bruising. You will need to éWe can also takeédicaments to controlôthe pain. As with any surgical procedure, you will need to éavoid certain activitieséIt's a good idea to take some time to get used to physical activity.éto follow-up visits in order to guarantee a goodécupéoptimal ration.

The opéIs breast reshaping painful?

Pain afterèThe cost of breast reshaping varies from person to person. à the other, but it is généralement bien gérée with médications prescribed by your surgeon. You may feel some discomfort, especially after your surgery.éfeel bruised and swollen during péinitial period of récupération, but these symptomsômes will gradually diminish. Our équipe sera là to support you throughout your rétablishment, allowing you to feel à comfortable during this périod. 

Are the scars visible afterès a breast remodelling?

À At Clinique Adonis, our plastic surgeons are experts in minimizing scarring. Incisions are généralement placées de manière stratégique autour de l'aréole, making them virtually invisible over time. This approach aims to à to ensure that scars are unobtrusiveètes and give your breasts a natural après procedureéhard.

The opéIs the breast reshaping ration permanent or does it have to be redone?

Breast reshaping offers a number of benefitséThe results are long-lasting, firming the breasts and correcting sagging. However, it is important to note that the effects of aging, weight changes and other factors can potentially affect the firmness of the breasts.é of the chest over time. In most cases, the réThe results of breast remodelling last for many years.ées, or even a lifetime. However, it can ênéIt is necessary toéor retouch the processéhard à a given momenté to maintain rédesired resultsés. Durabilityé réresults oféwill depend on each patient and his or her specific situation.écific.


Benefits: Harmonious, shapely breasts.

Disadvantages: Edema, discomfort on mobilization, panty worn for several days.


What is the coût of breast remodelling?

The coût de la rébreast duction à the Clinique Adonis begins à Starting at CHF 6,000. It is important to note that this déshare may vary depending on a number of factors, including the technique usedée, la complexité of the operation, anaesthesia expensesésie, operating room costsération, post-op careératories, and other considerationsérations spécific à your case. An estimate précise du coût of your rébreast duction will be discussedée consultation préthe opening ceremony, during which our équipe médicale will provide you with épersonalized evaluationée to suit your needs and spécific.

Payment options échelonné are they possible?

At Adonis, we understand the importance of accèà aesthetic careéquality electronicsé. That's why we propose à our patients the opportunityé of bénépayment plan échelonné monthly, in particular through a partnership with Swiss Billing (réservé to Swiss patients only).

What are the réWhat are the results of breast remodelling?

Breast reshaping aims to à to correct sagging breasts, often caused byé by factors such as pregnancy, weight loss or aging, by removing the excretion from the skin.ès skin and remodelling the breast. The réThe results of breast remodelling are generally positive.énéralement très satisfactory and visible dès the période of récupération. Here's what you can expect from réresults of this procedureéhard :

Firmer breasts Breast reshaping lifts and firms the breasts, giving them a more youthful, toned appearance.

Natural look : Breasts retain a natural appearance, with an am shape and volume.élioréwhile maintaining their harmony with the overall silhouette.

Discrete scarsèyour The incisions are généralement placées de manière stratégique autour de l'aréole and can être dissimulées par des vêtements or subêtements. Over time, these scars tend à fade.

Physical and émotional : Patients often experience relief from physical discomfort. In addition, the améhe improvement of one's appearance can have a positive impact on self-confidence and self-esteem.

Durabilityé The réThe results of breast reshaping are long-lasting, but it is important to understand that the effects of aging, weight changes and other factors can potentially affect the shape and laxity of the breasts.éof the breasts over time. However, the bénéfices obtained grâthis à this intervention can last for many yearsées.