Our services / Aesthetic surgery / Breast reduction

Breast reduction

Breast reduction is designed to reduce the size of the breasts, mainly when they are too large, which can cause back pain and affect self-image.
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Breast reduction at Clinique Adonis

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Breast reduction is aimed at reducing breast size, and mainly concerns excessive breast volume, which can lead to back pain and affect self-image.

If you are considering aébreast duction to alleviate physical or psychological émotional causeé with excessively large breasts, our éteam of experienced plastic surgeonsérhymeéà the Clinique Adonis can help you à reach a éharmonious balance.

What are theédifferent types ofébreast duction?

The rébreast duction can être réaliséThe best way to achieve this is to useéthe most common method is to make incisions around the artery.éole, vertical towards the fold under the breast, and sometimes horizontal along the infra-mammary fold, forming an inverted T-shape.é. This technique enablesélimine l'excèThis is the only way to increase the amount of breast tissue, reshape the breast and create a more attractive appearance.éa more proportionate chestée. 

How to choose the right breast size après the réduction?

Choosing the right breast size après a rébreast duction is aéimportant decision. During your consultation, our équipe médicale will discuss your aesthetic goalséyour anatomy in order to develop the best possible solutions.éfinish the size that suits you best while maintaining a proportionate appearanceé and natural.


Each surgeon adopts his or her own technique, adapting it to each case to achieve the best results. However, there are some common basic principles:
Removed tissue is systematically sent to a specialized laboratory for microscopic examination (histological examination). In the event of an operation, a shaping dressing with bra-shaped elastic bands is applied.
The surgeon will proceed in stages, following the tracings he has previously drawn: he removes excess glandular tissue, then lifts the breast gland. The skin envelope is re-draped to ensure that the new breasts are well supported and have a pleasing curve. He also corrects any breast asymmetry by reshaping two breasts of the same size. If necessary, the areola is reduced, then repositioned and the nipple pointed upwards.

How hard isée de l'opération de rébreast duction?

The hardée de l'opération de rébreast duction varies according to the technique used.ée et de la complexité of your case. In général, the procedure lasts between 2 à 4 hours. Our équipe médicale veillera à what the opération is réalisée en toute sécurité with your comfort in mind.

What is post-op care?ératoires après a rébreast duction?

Après a réduction, you will receive instructions on how to proceed.ésizeées for post-op careératory. This can include wearing a spécialisémanagement of swelling and bruising, as well as the taking of medication.édicaments to controlôthe pain. You will need to éalso éavoid certain activitieséIt's a good idea to take some time to get used to physical activity.éto follow-up visits in order to guarantee a goodécupéoptimal ration.

The opération de réIs breast duction painful?

Pain afterès a réduction varies from one person to another à the other, but it is généralement bien gérée with médications prescribed by your surgeon. You may feel some discomfort, especially after your surgery.éfeel bruised and swollen during péinitial period of récupération, but these symptomsômes will gradually diminish. Our équipe sera là to support you throughout your rétablishment, allowing you to feel à comfortable during this périod.

The scars of réare they visible?

Visibilityé scars afterès a réduction mammaire dédepends on the incision technique chosen by the surgeon. éQuality, tooé your healing process. À At Clinique Adonis, our plastic surgeons are experts in minimizing scarring. Incisions are généralement placées de manière stratégique pour réreduce their visibility as much as possibleé. Common incision sites include around the aréole (incision péri-aréolar incision), in the fold under the breast (submammary incision), or in the hollow of the armpit (axillary incision). These scars tend à fade and à become increasingly discreetèwith time.

The réIs breast reduction permanent or does it have to be redone?

The rébreast duction offerséThe results are long-lasting, but it's important to understand that the effects of aging, weight changes, pregnancy and other factors can potentially affect breast shape and size over time. In most cases, the réresults of the rémammary duction last for many yearsées or even a lifetime. However, it can ênéIt is necessary toéor retouch the processéhard àa given momenté to maintain rédesired resultsés. The hardée of sustainabilityé réresults oféwill depend on each patient and his or her specific situation.écific.


Advantages: Natural appearance. Relieves back pain. The aim of the surgery is to reduce breast volume, correct ptosis and any asymmetry, to obtain two breasts that are harmonious in themselves and in relation to the patient's morphology (two reduced, ascending, symmetrical and reshaped breasts).
In certain cases, health insurance companies will cover the costs.

Disadvantages: it leaves visible scars and can sometimes reduce the patient's ability to breastfeed, as well as nipple sensitivity. Difficulty mobilizing after the operation.


What is the coût de la rébreast duction?

The coût de la rébreast duction may vary depending on several factors, including the technique usedée, la complexité of the operation, anaesthesia expensesésie, operating room costsération, and post-op careératories. À Clinique Adonis, the price of départ for a réduction is CHF 7,000, including all related services.éà the opération. However, it is important to note that the coût can être déterminé during a preéthe opening ceremony, during which our éThe team will provide you with a preécised to suit your spécific.

Payment options échelonné are they possible?

At Adonis, we understand the importance of accèà aesthetic careéquality electronicsé. That's why we propose à our patients the opportunityé of bénépayment plan échelonné monthly, in particular through a partnership with Swiss Billing (réservé to Swiss patients only).

What are the réresults of the rébreast duction?

The rébreast duction offersésignificant results in réto reduce the excessive size and volume of breasts, while improvingétheir shape and appearance. The réresults include généa fuller chestégèfirmer and better proportionedée in relation to à the overall silhouette. Patients often experience relief from back and neck pain liées à large breasts. The scars, although préare carefully placedéand tend à fade over time. As with any surgical procedure, the réResults may vary according to individual anatomy and patient goals. Our équipe will work in éWe'll work closely with you to make sure you get the results you need.éesthetic resultsétiques que vous désirez.