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Lipocavitation (New Body)

The New Body uses cavitation ultrasound to eliminate fat cells, offering a serious alternative to liposuction thanks to a non-invasive, completely pain-free treatment.
From CHF 120.00
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Lipocavitation (New Body) at Clinique Adonis

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A real alternative to liposuction !

The New Body uses cavitation ultrasound to eliminate fat cells, offering a serious alternative to liposuction thanks to a non-invasive, completely pain-free treatment.

This radical technique effectively combats cellulite and fatty deposits. 


Lipocavitation uses multi-frequency high-power ultrasound to break down fat tissue cells. The cavitation effect produces micro-bubbles of air in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which expand until they implode, emitting shock waves capable of breaking the membranes of the targeted cells and releasing the fat stored there. This action leads to the natural elimination of fat by the body.

Indications :
All types of cellulite Edematous - Adipose - Fibrous
Any stage:1, 2, 3 or 4
All types of superficial and deep fat, regardless of location

Actions : Newbody combines 2 powerful actions that will considerably reduce volumes and, in particular, fat that is resistant to any diet. Adipocytolise (powerful pump effect to break up the adipocyte) and implosive cavitation.

Duration: 3 to 6 sessions only per zone, one session every 15 days.

To find out whether this method is right for you, don't hesitate to make an appointment, consultation is free!


Advantage: centimetre loss.

Disadvantage: Following the diet


Result: Reduction in cellulite Reduction in subcutaneous fat Improved skin texture with a "Skin Tightening" effect.

Price : From CHF 120 - the session, CHF 600 for 6